I love that social media allows me to connect to occupational therapists all around the world and tap into their expertise and creativity. In 2021 I plan to use social media more mindfully as a health care provider, community member, and family member to advocate, educate and participate in health awareness events.
Advocate: What barriers do patients face when living with a diagnosis or condition? Physical barriers, barriers to services, barriers to medication? Use your social media presence to advocate for change to address those barriers.
Educate: The internet offers countless reputable sites providing valuable information and resources for people impacted by any condition you can imagine. So take a minute, find those great resources, and share across your social media pages. Sign up for a virtual class or training on a condit and share that experience online.
Participate: Support health awareness campaigns by liking a story, reposting a resource, commenting on a post, or posting your take on a challenge – think ice buckets. Use the organization’s official hashtag to create energy around official campaigns.
By participating online in a mindful and professional way, you can help tell the story of some misunderstood conditions. Social media is a powerful tool, use it wisely to advance knowledge of health conditions by advocating, educating and participating in health awareness days.