I have a guest blogger for this edition – my sister! I hope you enjoy her experience with OT!
Cheryl Hall, OT
Author and Illustrator, Occupational Therapy Toolkit
I am Occupational Therapy’s number one fan because of my sister Cheryl.
As an OT for more than 30 years, my sister’s passion about the value of OT was evident when she talked about her patients, when she started posting patient handouts for other OTs, and when she wrote her book – The Occupational Therapy Toolkit. However, my appreciation of her passion went to the next level when I was the patient.
First, I had ankle surgery. I was completely non-weight bearing for a month, so my sister swooped in with a list of home modifications. She suggested grab bars, a shower transfer bench, dressing covers, raised toilet seats with bars, a knee scooter and basket, and even mugs with lids for my beloved morning tea. She made sure throw rugs were up and motion activated nightlights were installed. She adjusted my crutches and showed me how to navigate steps, doorways and cars. Her OT advice and counsel helped me remain completely independent while I recovered.
Then, I was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer. Facing a year of surgeries, chemo, radiation and immunotherapy, I was reeling. But once again my sister’s OT knowledge and perspective helped me prepare for and manage my illness. Her tips on energy conservation and managing fatigue had me streamlining, shedding and delegating some of my day-to-day stuff while maintaining a balance of cherished and critical (think pay check) activities. We talked about managing my medications and the avalanche of health information that I had to process. She was there when I had an infection with advice on skin care and prevention, plus she alerted me to the signs of lymphedema. Her sage OT advice helped me weather this health challenge and end the year in a better place than I would have without OT.
I was never prescribed OT during either illness, but I made sure that I told my healthcare providers what a difference it made for me to have an OT in the family. Maybe, the next time they see a patient like me they will make a referral to OT. So a big thanks you to occupational therapists everywhere (and my sister) for your contribution to patient health and well-being. Your profession is vital and inspirational. I will always be OT’s number one fan.