O ccupational Therapy Toolkit ™
Patient Handouts and Treatment Guides
Physical Disabilities, Chronic Conditions, and Geriatrics

First OT Job – Nailed It
by Cheryl Hall on January 15th, 2019
3 Easy Strategies to Keep Your 2019 OT Career Resolutions on Track
by Cheryl Hall on January 1st, 2019What are your OT career resolutions this year? Are you planning to finish a degree, change jobs, become more involved in a professional organization or shift your practice to a different population? Setting resolutions is the easy part; to help you stay on track try these 3 simple strategies: create…
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OT and the Therapeutic Use of Walking Poles
by Cheryl Hall on December 15th, 2018The physical and emotional health benefits of a walking program are astounding! For patients recovering from an illness or injury, adding walking poles can provide stability, improve gait and posture, and strengthen the upper body. I was first introduced to walking poles while teaching the evidence-based falls prevention program, Stepping…
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Occupational Therapy and Older Driver Safety
by Cheryl Hall on December 1st, 2018