• About Me

    Cheryl Hall
    Occupational Therapist
    Maryland, United States

    Welcome to a site devoted to sharing experience, knowledge and resources to make your job of being a great therapist a lot easier.

    I have been an occupational therapist for more than 30 years. I graduated from San Jose State University with degrees in Occupational Therapy, Gerontology, and Early Child Development. My passion is working with adults and children in home health but I have also worked in rehab, sub-acute rehab, hand therapy, transitional living for TBI, and hospital-based outpatient settings.

  • Previous Posts

First OT Job – Nailed It

by Cheryl Hall on January 15th, 2019

3 Easy Strategies to Keep Your 2019 OT Career Resolutions on Track

by Cheryl Hall on January 1st, 2019

What are your OT career resolutions this year? Are you planning to finish a degree, change jobs, become more involved in a professional organization or shift your practice to a different population? Setting resolutions is the easy part; to help you stay on track try these 3 simple strategies: create…

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OT and the Therapeutic Use of Walking Poles

by Cheryl Hall on December 15th, 2018

The physical and emotional health benefits of a walking program are astounding! For patients recovering from an illness or injury, adding walking poles can provide stability, improve gait and posture, and strengthen the upper body. I was first introduced to walking poles while teaching the evidence-based falls prevention program, Stepping…

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Occupational Therapy and Older Driver Safety

by Cheryl Hall on December 1st, 2018

Occupational therapists play a key role in keeping older drivers safe while on the road. While older drivers tend to be some of the most compliant drivers, a driver over 65 is much more likely to suffer fatal injuries than a younger driver. In addition, the likelihood of having an…

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Can OT Help the Homeless Find Their Home?

by Cheryl Hall on November 15th, 2018

I keep thinking of one man I met at the AOTA National Conference in Salt Lake City last April. No, he wasn’t a teacher, a colleague, a student or other member of the OT community – he was a member of the homeless community. He and his little dog stood…

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