• About Me

    Cheryl Hall
    Occupational Therapist
    Maryland, United States

    Welcome to a site devoted to sharing experience, knowledge and resources to make your job of being a great therapist a lot easier.

    I have been an occupational therapist for more than 30 years. I graduated from San Jose State University with degrees in Occupational Therapy, Gerontology, and Early Child Development. My passion is working with adults and children in home health but I have also worked in rehab, sub-acute rehab, hand therapy, transitional living for TBI, and hospital-based outpatient settings.

  • Previous Posts

Celebrate OT Day on Oct 27th!

by Cheryl Hall on October 15th, 2018

What is OT? In 60 Seconds or Less!

by Cheryl Hall on October 1st, 2018

I have been an occupational therapist for more than 30 years, and Iā€™m not sure the profession is any better understood today than when I started! As OTs we have an obligation to promote a better understanding of this great profession – one conversation at a time. Hopefully you will…

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Developing a Falls Prevention Program? 10 Key Elements

by Cheryl Hall on September 14th, 2018

Falls happens in an instant ā€“ a missed step, a curled-up rug, an untied shoe – and your patient is on the ground. Falls are on the rise in the U.S. with deadly implications (CDC website). So, as you look for a comprehensive falls prevention program for your OT patients…

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Learning Styles and the OT Patient

by Cheryl Hall on September 1st, 2018

If you are having difficulty making progress with a patient, remember that each person learns in a unique way. There are dozens of models of learning, but one of the simplest examples is VAK: Visual ā€“ Auditory ā€“ Kinesthetic. Does your current approach to OT favor one type of learner?…

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Your “Go To” Resource

by Cheryl Hall on August 15th, 2018