• About Me

    Cheryl Hall
    Occupational Therapist
    Maryland, United States

    Welcome to a site devoted to sharing experience, knowledge and resources to make your job of being a great therapist a lot easier.

    I have been an occupational therapist for more than 30 years. I graduated from San Jose State University with degrees in Occupational Therapy, Gerontology, and Early Child Development. My passion is working with adults and children in home health but I have also worked in rehab, sub-acute rehab, hand therapy, transitional living for TBI, and hospital-based outpatient settings.

  • Previous Posts

4 Steps to a Successful OT Conference

by Cheryl Hall on January 15th, 2017

The Best of OT Toolkit Resources : Medication Management

by Cheryl Hall on January 1st, 2017

According to the CDC, 39% of adults over 65 took 5 or more medications in the last 30 days. As an occupational therapist, I have seen firsthand how patients struggle to remain compliant with their medication regime. Patients may need assistance in a myriad of tasks and OTs play a…

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The Occupational Therapy Toolkit

by Cheryl Hall on December 15th, 2016

Older Driver Safety

by Cheryl Hall on December 1st, 2016

The Best of OT Toolkit Resources: Patient and Caregiver Resources for Alzheimer’s and Dementia

by Cheryl Hall on November 15th, 2016

As an occupational therapist, I have worked with all ages, but over the course of my career I became passionate about caring for the elderly especially those with Alzheimer’s or dementia. I have compiled some of the most useful resources for caregivers and patients that I have posted over the…

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