• About Me

    Cheryl Hall
    Occupational Therapist
    Maryland, United States

    Welcome to a site devoted to sharing experience, knowledge and resources to make your job of being a great therapist a lot easier.

    I have been an occupational therapist for more than 30 years. I graduated from San Jose State University with degrees in Occupational Therapy, Gerontology, and Early Child Development. My passion is working with adults and children in home health but I have also worked in rehab, sub-acute rehab, hand therapy, transitional living for TBI, and hospital-based outpatient settings.

  • Previous Posts

The Best of OT Toolkit Resources: Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

by Cheryl Hall on August 15th, 2016

As an occupational therapist, I worked with all ages, but over the course of my career I became passionate about caring for the elderly especially those with Alzheimer’s or Dementia.    I have compiled some of the most useful resources that I have posted over the last couple of years in…

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Good HABITS Stop Falls Week 3

by Cheryl Hall on August 14th, 2016

OT Toolkit Tips: Hand Function

by Cheryl Hall on August 1st, 2016

A show of hands – who takes their hands for granted? Yet, without strong, steady and agile hands most ADL’s are compromised.  With 27 bones, 29 joints and 120+ ligaments in each hand, patients count on us help their hands function as well as possible.  Whether the patient is experiencing…

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The Best of OT Toolkit Resources: Home Modifications and Aging in Place

by Cheryl Hall on July 15th, 2016

Since the majority of my career as an OT was spent in Home Health, the topic of Aging in Place and Home Modifications is one that is near and dear to my heart.  I have compiled some of the most useful resources that I have posted over the last couple…

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Good HABITS Stop Falls Week 2

by Cheryl Hall on July 14th, 2016