• About Me

    Cheryl Hall
    Occupational Therapist
    Maryland, United States

    Welcome to a site devoted to sharing experience, knowledge and resources to make your job of being a great therapist a lot easier.

    I have been an occupational therapist for more than 30 years. I graduated from San Jose State University with degrees in Occupational Therapy, Gerontology, and Early Child Development. My passion is working with adults and children in home health but I have also worked in rehab, sub-acute rehab, hand therapy, transitional living for TBI, and hospital-based outpatient settings.

  • Previous Posts

Occupational Therapy in My Backyard

by Cheryl Hall on January 17th, 2023

As an OT provider, you know that OT and its practice and purpose can be a bit obscure, but not this week for this OT! First, I went over to say hello to the neighbor who just moved in behind me and found out she is an OT too! How…

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Happy Anniversary to the OT Toolkit!

by Cheryl Hall on December 15th, 2022

Earlier in the year I was asked how long I had been creating and sharing patient education handouts with fellow OTs. Well, I quickly realized that 2022 is an anniversary year for the OT Toolkit! It was 25 years ago that I created my first website on Geocities and posted…

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My Life, My Story

by Cheryl Hall on November 27th, 2022

Patient-centered care is one of the primary reasons I love our profession of occupational therapy. Before it became trendy, OT always focused on the person first. OT best practices promoted active listening and open-ended questions, so you learned about your patient beyond their current health challenge. In my work as…

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Celebrate World OT Day!

by Cheryl Hall on October 19th, 2022

What are your plans to celebrate World Occupational Therapy Day? If you are still looking for ideas for October 27, it is not too late to visit the World Federation of Occupational Therapists for inspiration and resources! Here is just a sample of what you will find: Download a free…

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Join AOTA Today!

by Cheryl Hall on September 29th, 2022

A popular TicTok starts with “What’s something you’ll get a lot of hate for, if you say it out loud?” I am a little sad to say that I thought about that TicTok when I decided to write a blog encouraging OTs and OTAs to join AOTA. There are some…

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